Erwin Quarder, Inc.乐动体育官方网址Reduces Scrap, Saves Cleaning Time and Money with Nanoplas Products
Erwin Quarder, Inc.乐动体育赞助西甲, a plastic injection molding company in Grand Rapids, MI
Length of Customer Relationship:
4 months
乐动体育官方网址Nanoplas Products Used:
The Defender| Syn-Lube* |Power Clean|Zap-Ox
*Syn-Lube is no longer available.For another grease, tryMin-Lube
Problems Experienced by Customer
- Gummy buildup in the vents
- Gas buildup in the vents
- Sticky buildup from current rust preventative
- Grease bleeding issues at startup
- Splay, plastic deformation
- Current lubricant hardened and flaked off at 644ºF
- Power Cleansaves cleaning time in the toolroom and on the production floor.Other cleaners were not able to remove the gummy residue and gas buildup.
- The Defendercauses no sticky buildup and gives the ability to shoot right through the first shot.
- Zap-Oxsaves the customer hours of cleaning time that had previously been spent on excessive buildup.
- Syn-Lube can be wiped thin and evenly, which helps prevent bleeding issues.The product is lasting weekly, as opposed to daily.Run capacity has increased from 1,000-1,500 parts to 24,000 parts before having to reapply, with a 45-second cycle time.
乐动体育官方网址Overall, the Nanoplas product line has helped reduce scrap and save maintenance cleaning time.The products have also saved unscheduled down time.It is estimated that the Erwin Quarder team has been saved about 4 hours per week, and about $75 an hour.
I have been in the manufacturing industry for over 24 years and have worked with a wide variety of cleaners and lubricating products.乐动体育官方网址I am excited to say the Nanoplas products have exceeded my expectations for keeping our tools longer and reducing our cleaning times."
If the results shown here have you considering a switch, requestafree product sampleto see the difference for yourself.
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